attagirl 是香港一家小型的意粉製造工房,它使用不同種類的有機麵粉,如黑麥,蕎麥和全麥,專門生產小批量、各種形狀的手製意大利麵。通過在港新鮮製造高質素的手工意大利麵,我們希望提高消費者對於麵食的要求,並把高質素的麵食普及化。
attagirl is an independent Hong Kong based producer of artisan, small batch, fresh extruded pasta. attagirl produces pasta of a variety of shapes and uses different ranges of organic flour such as rye, buckwheat, and whole wheat. They experiment with unique ingredients such as shrimp roe, seaweed powder, and smoked durum. attagirl pastas are available in both fresh and dried. They have partnered with Hong Kong based restaurants such as Belon, Arcane and Neighborhood.