About Women’s Festival

About Women's Festival 女人節 2019

Eaton HK、Sally Coco和女影香港攜手合作,在2018年創辦了Women’s Festival——香港唯一一個慶祝女性的力量和美麗的節目!去年我們精心挑選了一系列由女性出發的作品和節目,活動涵蓋了音樂、電影、心靈、健康、美容和社會等不同領域,希望從不同角度探索女生「自主、自愛、自由」的理念!

第一屆的Women’s Festival包括了超過30場活動,參加人次超過1200人!除了主要受惠機構「風雨蘭」之外,我們更成功為另外10個支援婦女服務的本地非牟利機構籌募營運經費,回饋社群。

今年,我們再次歡迎大家參與Women’s Festival的節目,以富有創意和正能量的方式,繼續探討及回應女性及其他邊緣社群在不同領域所面對的挑戰。Women’s Festival歡迎不同性別和傾向的朋友,希望大家能一起學習享受和擁抱自身的力量、美麗和自由!

* 活動收入扣除開支後將全數捐助本地性暴力支援機構「風雨蘭」
* 部分場次門票扣除必要開支後會全數捐助指定本地非牟利機構
* 主辦單位為 WFHK Foundation Limited (正申請成為慈善機構)。

Eaton HK, Sally Coco and Reel Women Hong Kong join hands to bring you the Women’s Festival, the first and only festival in Hong Kong dedicated to celebrating the power and beauty of women! The festival encompasses many fields, from music, films, to spirituality and health, focusing on the theme of “self-love, self-care, and self-expression”.

Through carefully selected works and programs created by emerging local female talents and advocates, as well as critically acclaimed international artists and filmmakers, our festival seeks to explore women’s often subjugated position in the social, political and domestic spheres, the choices available to them, and how they negotiate with the conditions and situations, especially in relation to their body and sexuality. Our festival program aims to start discussions on various themes and issues through the lives, experience, and perspectives of women, and promote gender awareness and equality in society, to assist participants enjoy and appreciate womanhood by exploring a range of medium and art forms, and to help incorporate both sex-positivism and art into their daily life.

Ultimately, through appreciating and embracing our bodies positively, we hope that people of all genders from all walks of society may recognize and celebrate the power, beauty and freedom of being yourself!

* All event income after expenses will go to Rainlily – Hong Kong’s first crisis center for female victims of sexual violence
* All net proceeds of selected programme will go directly to specific NGOs
* Organized by WFHK Foundation Limited (Applying to be charity).