游家敏(Carmen)是一位註冊社工,現正於香港理工大學應用社會科學學系修讀哲學博士課程,研究興趣包括數碼敍事 (digital storytelling)、社交媒體、多媒體以及不同的社工介入手法。Carmen是個脊髓肌肉萎縮症 (SMA)患者,需以電動輪椅出入,為一位全癱身障者。然而,她專修心理學、醫療輔導及社會工作,身障啟發她投入學術研究及實踐社會工作的價值。
Carmen Yau is a registered social worker and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in the Department of Applied Social Sciences at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Her research interests include application on digital storytelling, social media, multimedia, and other social work practices. Carmen has spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) and a quadriplegic who depends on a power wheelchair. She is specialized in psychology, health counseling, and social work. Her disability inspires her to pursue academic contributions and putting social work value into practice.
In recent years, Carmen does not only focus on assisting disabled women to explore and express their gender identity, but she also advocates for sexual rights and independent living for disabled people in general. Carmen concerns sexuality of disabled people in Hong Kong and overseas disability communities. She was entitled the “Hong Kong’s Tiller” by Taiwan Hand Angels for her dedication to enhancing people with disabilities, service providers and, the general public’ s critical thinking on the current support and oppression against people with disabilities. Besides speaking publicly in seminars and media, she is also the writer and founder of “Sugar’s XXX Stories”, a series of erotica stories about disabled people. Carmen was invited to speak at the TEDx TinHauWomen to share her inspiration and the importance of narrating erotica to relieve people’s sexual desires.