內衣設計師Ziggy Lee於香港土生土長,擅長設計性感束縛帶,產品在美國及亞馬遜網站銷售,身兼亞洲大碼模特兒。因為骨架比一般亞洲女孩大,Ziggy總是惹來不少注目。她在自己的YouTube頻道探索身體、兩性關係和社會現象。
Local lingerie designer Ziggy Lee specializes in designing sexy harnesses. Her products are currently sold in the U.S. and Amazon.com. She is also a plus-size model. Being born and raised in Hong Kong, Ziggy feels she gets a lot of attention for her relatively large body size. She has a YouTube channel where she explores the human body, sex and relationship, and social phenomena.