二零一四年開始寫詞,合作歌手包括吳雨霏、吳莫愁、許廷鏗、黃妍、黃淑蔓、per se等,包辦王嘉儀《Sophrology》、《Quarter》及最新專輯《殘眼》的中文歌詞。同時參與不同劇場歌詞創作,亦為迪士尼作品《魔海奇緣》、《反轉極樂園》寫詞。另外,參與過不同展覽創作《迷糊情欲對象》、《I’m perfect》以及《只是看書》。亦為青年學者,為浸會大學人文及創作系研究碩士。
Yvette Lok Yee Wong graduated from the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing at Hong Kong Baptist University where she received her M.Phil.. Since 2014, she has been writing songs for artists including Kary Ng, Momo Wu, Sophy Wong, Cath Wong, per se, Alfred Hui, etc.. She has published lyrics for Disney animated movies including Moana and Coco. Her proses and essays have also been sporadically published on Ming Pao, Zihua, Hong Kong Literature House, etc..