與我們一樣,Stella是位努力工作的都巿女性。她在2016年開始接觸瑜珈,藉此減壓及放鬆自己。在參加越多瑜珈課程的同時,Stella在體能上及心靈上亦變得更強。在好奇心驅使下,她在 2017年參加了在印度果亞舉辦的200小時瑜珈導師訓練課程。課程中她深受老師及同學們啟發,因此著意成為導師,與更多人分享自己對瑜珈的熱情及訓練。
Stella Lo is a yogo teacher who is running her own classes in Hong Kong. She hopes to lead her students to happiness, self-awareness, and calmness on and off the mat.
Like all of us, Stella Lo is a hard-working city girl. Since 2016, she has picked up yoga as a stress reliever and a tool to relax after a long day of work. The more classes she attends, the stronger she becomes both physically and mentally. Out of curiosity, she enrolled in a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training in Goa, India. Her teachers and classmates have inspired her to share her passion and practice through teaching.