其共同創立的平台FinKAB在不同媒體擔任專欄作家,包括:香港01、親子王國 Baby Kingdom、easyPama、香港媽咪幫MamiBuy,更獲得東方日報東網、星島日報-親子王、智富雜誌、Human Resources Magazine的認同,報導FinKAB成立的初衷和使命。
Sarah Kee is the co-founder of FinKAB, a platform promoting financial education for kids. Sarah is a post-80s who has devoted herself to the financial industry for years. Seeing Hong Kong’s lagging development of children’s financial literacy education, she spends her spare time participating in voluntary work for children financial education. Sarah believes that learning finance education is two-way communication. Her experience in working in financial education with children help her better understands what kids have in mind.
The missions of the FinKAB Sharing Platform are to raise parents’ awareness in kids’ financial education and empower them with tools and strategies to teach their children the 3 main aspects in financial education at home: financial knowledge, attitude, and behavior.
Since their establishment in April 2018, FinKAB has become a columnist in various parenting forums and platforms to spread financial education concepts in Hong Kong. FinKAB has received recognition from Hong Kong Oriental Daily, Sing Tao Daily’s Smart Parents, iMoney, Human Resources Magazine, which have frequently featured the co-founders’ passion and contribution by setting up FinKAB.