Sandra畢業於澳洲新南威爾斯大學的心理學系,於2009年創辦Nail Me,推廣自我和快樂的生活理念。
畢業後,Sandra曾在4A廣告公司工作,打工三個月後,Sandra明白了創業才是自己的出路。除了提供高質素的服務外,Sandra希望Nail Me能藉著品牌推廣優質生活。於是,三年前Nail Me以「Nourish Me. Nurture me.」的概念重新定位,希望將「快樂」的元素注入生意理念,並在同年開設了第四間分店。
Sandra曾以Nail Me創辦人的身分在各大報章雜誌上做過許多訪問,並獲得不少創業獎項。她更兩度受明珠台節目《港生活,港享受》邀請,進行以美甲潮流為主題的專訪。
快樂與自愛對每一位女人都十分重要,而Sandra作為媽媽和老闆亦曾發現自己漸漸冷落了自己的感受。今年適逢Nail Me十週年,Sandra希望品牌以「快樂元素」及「自愛」為本, 繼續推廣優質生活理念,同時推動本土產業,選用本土品牌,加強與本土品牌合作。
Sandra Chow is a Psychology graduate and the founder of Nail Me, which is driven by their motto “Nourish Me. Nurture Me”.
Graduated from The University of New South Wales (Sydney), Sandra has worked in companies of the Association of Accredited Advertising Agencies (4A). After 3 months, she decided an entrepreneurial path suited her more.
In 2009, Sandra opened the first Nail Me branch in Tsim Sha Tsui, where her quest to create quintessential nail salon experience began. She has since given birth to two kids and opened two more branches. In 2016, Sandra decided to expand her brand from the highest level of service to a new concept that is concluded by their new motto, “Nourish Me. Nurture Me.” as she wants to spread awareness of happiness, especially for women.
Apart from being interviewed by more than 20 magazines and newspaper, Sandra also received several entrepreneurial awards. Nail Me was featured on Dolce Vita (TVB Pearl) twice and demonstrated their exquisite nail art on TV.
Being a mom and a boss, Sandra eventually realized she neglected her own emotion for a very long time — happiness and self-love are very important for women. This year is the 10th Anniversary of Nail Me and Sandra would like to use this opportunity to amplify this message as well as to show appreciation to the Hong Kong community by using and collaborating with more and more talented local brands.