Nora,導演,畢業於香港大學比較文學及法文系。2017年,其紀錄長片《地厚天高》贏得香港電影評論學會大獎推薦電影及台灣國際紀錄片影展「華語紀錄片」評審團特別獎,及入選多個海外電影節,並在本地放映引起廣泛社會迴響,門票一票難求。首套執導長片《未竟之路》(2016)於 2016 年香港獨立電影節首映,後於台灣、韓國、英國等多個海外影展放映。首套記錄短片《旺角黑夜》(2014)曾入選21屆ifva公開組。《全部都係雞》為其首部劇情作品。
Director Nora Lam is a comparative literature and French graduate from the University of Hong Kong. Her latest feature documentary Lost in the Fumes (2017) was awarded Film of Merit by the Hong Kong Film Critics Society as well as multiple awards in film festivals. It was screened for over a year in Hong Kong. She premiered her first feature documentary Road Not Taken (2016) in Hong Kong Independent Film Festival 2016, followed by a series of festivals and local community screenings. Her first documentary short Midnight in Mong Kok (2014) was a finalist of the Open Category of the 21st ifva Awards and was also featured in some foreign film festivals. Call Girl and the Pimps (2019) was her first fictional short film.