土生土長的八十後、Sweatitude創辦人Mandy Wong在港大讀書時開始接觸同志運動,畢業後曾從事IT行業多年,一邊做IT狗,一邊默默支持同志平權。心繫社羣的Mandy在2016年取得香港大學的社會科學碩士,致力連结科技、文化、社群、運動。2017年,Mandy創辦了運動群組Sweatitude,在工餘時間舉辦活動,為本地婦女及性小眾籌款。她於同年轉行投身保險理財,並在短時間內考獲專業牌照。Mandy醫療危疾意外人壽儲蓄強積金基金投資樣樣得,明白一份保單跟各樣運動息息相關。
Mandy Wong is the co-founder of Sweatitude and obtained her Master’s degree in Social Science from the University of Hong Kong.
Post 80s born and grew in Hong Kong, Mandy Wong has started involving in the LGBTQ+ movement since her undergraduate study at the University of Hong Kong. After graduation, she had worked in the IT field for several years while supporting LGBTQ+ groups at the same time. Recognizing the importance to link technology, culture, community, and movements together, she obtained her Social Science Master’s degree from HKU in 2016. In 2017, she then founded Sweatitude, a sports group that aims to support and fundraise for local women and sexual minority groups. In the same year, she switched into the field of insurance and wealth management. She realized an insurance policy is closely inherited to different kinds of social movements. The new working environment provides her flexibility to empower others in the community.