曾於2006和2014年夥同香港民間團體出席聯合國《消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約》會議,就家庭暴力和性暴力問題發表意見書;於2006-2007年協助民間團體聯席 「改革家庭暴力條例聯盟」研究及草擬《公義.平等.和諧:家庭暴力條例修訂建議書》;於2011-2013年參與香港基督教服務處有關虐老問題的先導計畫,提供法律意見。
Linda Wong has been a practicing barrister in Hong Kong since 2004. She has a broad practice which includes both civil and criminal, with a substantial practice in human rights-related cases like judicial review and constitutional law. Apart from working as a lawyer, she is also a part-time Lecturer teaching gender and law in the Chinese University of Hong Kong since 2015 and the Hong Kong Baptist University since 2018.
Over the years, she has been a vocal supporter and advocate of human rights issues, with a particular interest in gender equality and women’s rights. As early as in the late 1990s, she, together with students from different universities, formed a group called “Gutsy Women” to specifically address sexual harassment issues in universities and advocate for gender equality in society. In 2006-2007, she joined the alliance in advocating and proposing amendments to the domestic violence legislation. In 2006 and 2014, she attended the committee’s hearings of United Nations’ Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women with other local NGOs to make a submission on the issues of domestic violence and sexual violence against women.
Currently, she serves as a board member of the Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women, Rainlily and became the Chair of Her Fund in 2019. She was involved in various court litigations, disciplinary actions, EOC Complaints and relevant training concerning sexual harassment, sex discrimination, sexual violence, same-sex marriage, etc..