朱氏在2019年於香港大學文學院畢業,主修全球創意產業並獲頒一級榮譽學位。曾擔任香港大學文學院院務委員會本科生代表,任內獲委任為文學院性別平等及多元委員會成員,畢業後亦獲留任學生事務及外展小組委員會主席一職。 承蒙學界厚愛,朱氏就讀本科生其間獲邀到香港中文大學及嶺南大學擔任客席講師,講題包括東亞及東南亞變裝藝術文化及男性情慾與性色電影等。朱氏亦曾舉辦外展活動推動性平教育,曾於香港大學舉辦女性主義情色電影放映及演後座談會、月經政治工作坊及乾旦x變裝皇后分享會。 朱氏亦熱衷表演藝術,2019年初獲香港藝術節及香港賽馬會慈善信託基金合辦之無限量計劃邀請演出由法國編舞家Jérôme Bel創作作品《歡聚今宵》,並將他另一個身份;變裝皇后Justine de Beauvoir帶上國際舞台。
Justin Chu graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (First Class Honour) majoring in Global Creative Industries at the University of Hong Kong in 2019. He was an elected undergraduate member to the board of HKU Faculty of Art, and was appointed as the undergraduate representatives to the Committee on Gender Equality and Diversity (CGED) by the faculty. CHU also chairs the Student Affairs and Outreach Subcommittee of CGED during his tenure as undergraduate representative and he was invited back to chair the subcommittee after graduation. Justin also guest lectured in The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Lingnan University on topics related to Asian cross-dressing culture and relationship between pornography and masculinity. He also hosted seminars and workshops regarding to mensuration politics, sex education, and cross dressing culture. As an performing arts enthusiast, Chu has performed in various platform. He was invited to perform in Jérôme Bel’s Gala as Justine de Beauvoir, his drag alter ego earlier this year for No Limit, a programme co-presented by the Hong Kong Arts Festival and The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.