張蚊,香港電影廣告美術及服裝指導,香港電影美術學會執委之一。近年開始導演及編劇工作。曾於北愛爾蘭、柏林及倫敦留學,2005年於倫敦藝術大學切爾西藝術學院畢業,並於2017 年修畢墨爾本皇家理工大學藝術碩士學位。張氏於電影行業擔任美術工作超過十五年,跟許多導演合作無間,於 2014 以「殭屍」及2018年以「空手道」獲提名香港電影金像獎最佳美術指導。今年更因電影「翠絲」多獲兩項提名。
Irving Cheung has studied in Belfast, Berlin and London since the age of 11. Graduated from University of the Arts London, Chelsea College of Art with a fine art degree then further completed a MFA with distinction in RMIT University in 2017.
Over the years, Cheung has been working as a film worker and she was nominated four times in Hong Kong Film Award for Best Art Director and Best Costume & Makeup Design with the films, “Rigor Mortis”, “The Empty Hands” and “Tracey”.
Cheung develops her ideas through an array of materials such as garments, toys, photographs, videos and installations and explores how pain might be treated and seen through the process of making art. The artist investigates how pain can be transformed, transferred, expressed, recreated and sublimated in the form of art.