梁惠婷Delia是位香港達摩瑜伽導師,為Nike的瑜伽導師和香港地區代言人,亦是推廣正念平台MDFL MVMT的聯合創辦人。她曾在紐約達摩瑜珈中心跟隨Sri Dharma Mittra完成1000小時導師課程,及後在香港跟隨Samrat Dasgupta完成了200小時導師課程。除了教授達摩瑜珈,Delia亦是位認可達摩瑜伽輪導師,亦會教授瑜伽呼吸法、冥想、禪瑜珈以及產前產后瑜伽。
Delia Leung is a Dharma Yoga teacher and Nike Hong Kong’s Yoga trainer and Representative. She is also the co-founder of MDFL MVMT, a platform that promotes mindfulness practice in Hong Kong. Delia completed her 1000-hour teacher training with Sri Dharma Mittra in Dharma Yoga Center NYC and completed another 200-hour training with Samrat Dasgupta in Hong Kong. She is also a certified Dharma Yoga Wheel teacher and teaches Pranayama, meditation, Yoga Nidra, and prenatal and postnatal yoga.
Positive changes in the body, mind, and spirit are the biggest motivation for Delia. She hopes that when students do yoga, they can open up their hearts and learn with an open mind.
Delia obtained her Bachelor degree in Psychology at University College London and is expected to earn her Master’s degree in Buddhist Studies degree at the Center of Buddhist Studies of The University of Hong Kong. She has an investment banking background prior to yoga teaching.