Parenting Against Norm: Raising Your Kids in Nature
Parenting Against Norm: Raising Your Kids in Nature
Aug 24, 2019 星期六 Saturday 2:00pm - 4:00pm | |
Music Room 香港九龍彌敦道 380 號逸東酒店 Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong | |
Cantonese 廣東話 | |
家庭友善 Kids-friendly# | |
早鳥 Early Bird: HK$59 正價 Regular: HK$65 即場價 At door: HK$80 大愛票 Community*: HK$59
* 「大愛」門票適用於本港全日制學生、60歲或以上的新中年人士及不同能力人士,須於進場時出示相關證件以供核對。
# 「家庭友善」場次節目歡迎家長攜同子女參與;持有效門票的觀眾,每位成人最多可攜同兩位 6 歲或以下兒童進場而不另收費。
* “Community Ticket” is available for full-time Hong Kong students, “new” middle-age citizens (60 or above), and people with different abilities. Valid forms of identification should be presented at the entrance to the event venue for checking.
# For all events listed as “Kids-friendly”, each ticket-holder is allowed to bring 2 children who are 6 or below to the event with no additional charges.
2/3 創辦人介紹番呢個節目
Founder's event intro in Cantonese:
Founder's event intro in Cantonese:
在這節講座裡面,生活Kids Club的創辦人阿周、Jenny 和 Kitty 會探討大自然對她們育兒的啟發,以及生活Kids Club的活動與收穫,並與參加者分享另類育兒方法的實踐心得和經驗。
Chow Sze Chung and Jenny Li, who have been farming at Sangwoodgoon for a decade, and Kitty Hung, a city girl, decided to raise their kids in the fields after giving birth. What started as a crazy idea gradually evolved into the Kids Club project that combines child-raising with environmental consciousness. They discovered in the process the charm and nourishment of the earth have on the child, and in the process, they reflect on our relationship with nature and the possibility of alternative parenting: how farming can be connected with knowledge and our life, how natural landscape and plants can stimulate children's creativity, and how adults can slow down and wander aimlessly in the fields, to explore with their kids the beauty of nature and the beauty within.
In this workshop, the founders of Kids Club will share with you their experience of raising their kids in the fields, and will explore with the participants the many possibilities of parenting.
In this workshop, the founders of Kids Club will share with you their experience of raising their kids in the fields, and will explore with the participants the many possibilities of parenting.
This talk is suitable for parents, parents-to-be, caregivers and teachers.
在這節講座裡面,生活Kids Club的創辦人阿周、Jenny 和 Kitty 會探討大自然對她們育兒的啟發,以及生活Kids Club的活動與收穫,並與參加者分享另類育兒方法的實踐心得和經驗。
Chow Sze Chung and Jenny Li, who have been farming at Sangwoodgoon for a decade, and Kitty Hung, a city girl, decided to raise their kids in the fields after giving birth. What started as a crazy idea gradually evolved into the Kids Club project that combines child-raising with environmental consciousness. They discovered in the process the charm and nourishment of the earth have on the child, and in the process, they reflect on our relationship with nature and the possibility of alternative parenting: how farming can be connected with knowledge and our life, how natural landscape and plants can stimulate children's creativity, and how adults can slow down and wander aimlessly in the fields, to explore with their kids the beauty of nature and the beauty within.
In this workshop, the founders of Kids Club will share with you their experience of raising their kids in the fields, and will explore with the participants the many possibilities of parenting.
In this workshop, the founders of Kids Club will share with you their experience of raising their kids in the fields, and will explore with the participants the many possibilities of parenting.
This talk is suitable for parents, parents-to-be, caregivers and teachers.
- 門票持有人請於活動開始前 15 分鐘到場。
- 已售門票不設退款。
- 主辦單位保留拒絕任何人士入場而毋須給予理由的權利。
- 申請人請注意自己的身體狀況,並考慮是否適宜參加相關的活動。如有疑問,請徵詢醫生的意見。
- 主辦單位保留更改大會條款及細則之權利。如有任何爭議,主辦單位保留最終決定權。
- 惡劣天氣安排:
- 黑色暴雨:活動將繼續進行。
- 八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號:正在進行的活動會繼續; 若活動開始前兩小時內將會懸掛信號或信號已經生效,未舉行的活動即告取消。如活動取消,可能會改期進行,或參加者可選擇安排退款。
- 參加者如購票或參加活動即同意大會條款及細則及個別活動的條款及細則。
- Participants please arrive 15 minutes before event start time.
- Sold tickets cannot be refunded.
- The Organizer reserves the right to reject any particular person to participate in the event without reasons.
- Applicants should be aware of their health condition, and consider whether it is suitable for them to enrol in the activity. In case of doubt, please consult a doctor prior to the enrolment of activity.
- The Organizer reserves the right to amend the program of the rules and regulations. Should there be any dispute, the Organizer reserves the right to the final decision.
- Inclement Weather Arrangements:
- Black Rainstorm Warning: All programme will continue as scheduled.
- Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above: Programme that have started will continue. If warning signal is in effect 2 hours prior to the start of the programme, the programme will be cancelled. The programme may be re-scheduled, or the participants can choose to receive refund.
- Participant agrees to the main terms and conditions and specific terms and conditions when they purchase tickets or participate in the events.