
Organized By

Eaton Workshop是使命先行的全球企業兼創意實驗室,屹立於文化、媒體、酒店、身心健康與社會變革的交匯點。Eaton Workshop由羅寶璘創立,她致力將酒店變成創新變革之士和創意一族的匯聚之地。Eaton Workshop由Hotel、House、Media、Wellness和Impact五大支柱組成,突破傳統酒店的界限,為藝術家、行動主義先驅、治療師及各界領袖提供創意空間及數碼平台,助其建立更美好的世界,更是引領可持續發展的指標、變革項目的樞紐、全面的身心治療中心及全球媒體平台。首批Eaton Workshop酒店現已於華盛頓特區及香港佐敦開幕,未來將進駐三藩市、西雅圖及多倫多等地。

Eaton Workshop is a new global brand merging hospitality with progressive social change. Launching in early 2018, it brings to the international market a hybrid model of a hotel, co-working members club, and wellness center, with extensive content and cultural programming supporting the intersection of arts, consciousness and impact. As a gathering place for an inclusive tribe of changemakers and creatives, Eaton Workshop invites activists, artists and entrepreneurs from around the world to instigate meaningful and positive initiatives on both a local and macro scale, as well as to hang out, indulge and follow their bliss.


就是抱著這份信念,我們建立了這個地方。我們沒有售貨員,沒有客服。每一位同事都是 Intimate Stylist,每一位都有專業的知識,為你們提供最好的點子,去實現屬於你的優質私密生活。

這就是 Sally’s Toy,來自香港的人情味情趣小店。

p.s. 誰是 Sally?其實沒有人是 Sally,同時每一個人都是 Sally。Sally 是個很有個性,很自主,很開明,充滿性知識的人物,象徵著每個人都有性需要但又同時獨一無二。 而 Sally 也很樂意與大家談論性愛,聆聽大家的心事和解答各種性愛疑問。

How serious is a well made quality intimate object, especially for first-timers? Imagine your first sip of red wine, or your first oyster. If you started with inferior stuff, you would thought all red wine and oyster in the world tastes terrible. With that in mind, we only offer products with best quality, best safety and the ones that really do their jobs.

We don’t have salespersons, we don’t have customer service personals. Every one of us are Intimate Stylists. We use our professional expertise to curate the best ideas that light up your intimate life.

And this is Sally’s Toy. A small intimate shop with a dash of human touch.

p.s. Who is Sally? No one is Sally. And everyone is. Sally is cool, independent, open-minded, knowledgable. She stands for the idea that we have sexual desires but at the same time unique. Sally is always happy to talk about sex, with no judgements. Have a secret to share? Want to talk to someone? Sally is all ears.



Established in 2013, Reel Women Hong Kong Film Festival (RWHK), the first film festival by women, of women, for women in Hong Kong, was formed by a group of young scholars and filmmakers devoted to promote female-featured films.

Since 2015, supported by Hong Kong Arts Development Council, RWHK have held a series of screenings and talks around local communities and provided a platform for communication and interactions between female filmmakers and audiences. Through our activities, we intend to promote a further comprehending on female identities, develop gender awareness on social issues that concerns women and other underprivileged social groups, and inspire Hong Kong audiences to appreciate and to further support all forms of female artistic expressions.