Panda是香港女生滑板組織Girls CAN Skate成員,工餘時間透過舉辦滑板活動與愛好滑板的女生互相交流心得,協助推動香港的滑板文化。
GCS – Girls CAN Skate是一個專為女生分享她們對滑板熱誠而設立的平台,理念是集合全港,甚至不同國家的女生一起,藉此平台分享滑板資訊、解答各疑問及凝聚任何有興趣人士,一同宣揚Girls CAN Skate精神及分享滑板帶來的喜悅!
Panda is a member of Hong Kong girl skate group Girls CAN Skate, aid to promote skating culture in Hong Kong through different skate events with female skaters.
GCS – Girls CAN Skate is a girl skate group which aims to gather all female skater from Hong Kong or different countries to skate together. Through this platform, you can share your skateboarding moments or communicate with us. We welcome all kinds of skaters, let’s experience the Girls CAN Skate spirit together!