劉天蘭,資深香港形象指導及時尚達人,曾獲香港時裝設計師協會之香港十大最佳衣著人士獎、香港電台十大中文金曲最佳唱片封套設計獎、香港 Marie Claire “Inspiring Woman Award”、Jessica Magazine “Successful Woman Award”、Me! Magazine “Style Icon Award” 等獎項被中外傳媒譽為「中國首席形象顧問」、「形象聖手」、「Style Icon」及「First Lady of Looking Good」。
Tina 形容自己是生逢其時,趕得上香港在八、九十年代經濟騰飛的時候,參與了當年電視、電影、傳媒出版,以至時裝音樂等流行文化的輝煌時代。多年來她遊走於不同界別,被譽為「穿梭整個香港黃金30年的潮流教母」。她在散文和自傳《原來天蘭》中清楚說明自己的人生態度:「每件事情必須發自內心的喜愛,才可以全心投入。」縱橫香港電影、電視、音樂、出版、時裝、舞台及大型表演的專業形象設計及製作工作,Tina 忙得不亦樂乎:「無論是哪件事情,只要是我喜歡的,我都不會輕易放手,也不會覺得辛苦,沒得做才不開心。」她的字典裡沒有負面的辭彙,所有的事情都是開開心心地去做。
在 Tina 眼中,每個人都有自己的魅力所在,她亦不吝嗇自己的秘訣:「品味是孕育出來的,最重要是開眼界,我喜歡觀察,旅行、看書、上網,總有很多東西給你滋潤啟發,都是一個個學習的過程。」劉天蘭告誡自己世界很廣闊,每個時代不同文化、不同地域都會有各自獨特的審美和創意,值得學習的還有很多。她這樣形容自己:「我覺得我是香港的一個稀有品種,孕育在香港的中西文化南北和之中,是在文化、藝術、時尚和設計裡自得其樂的一朵蘭花。」
忙碌的 Tina 在工作和生活中不斷接觸和發掘新事物,不斷探索、學習、挑戰自己。對 Tina來說,最快樂的事情就是在工作上有發揮,也提醒自己不要辜負每一天,要保持身心健康、多運動、多休息、多笑。
Tina Liu is a renowned image consultant, designer, and style icon. Tina was elected by the Hong Kong Fashion Designers Association as one of the “Ten Best Dressed Personalities in Hong Kong”, and her 40 years of experience in image design, production and training has earned her accolades such as “First Lady of Looking Good”, “Image Guru”, “Style Icon” and “China’s Premier Image Consultant”.
Starting her career during Hong Kong’s prime in the 1980s and 1990s, Tina considers herself luck, as she was able to contribute to the city’s golden age of pop culture such including television, film, publishing, fashion, and music. Her extensive experience in Hong Kong’s creative industries earns her the title of “the style godmother of the golden age of Hong Kong”. Her attitude towards work is captured in her essay collection and autobiography, The Original Tina: “Do what you love – it is only when you truly love something that you can devote yourself to it. Love what you do – and work will not be work, but fun.” Despite her heavy workload, Tina cherishes each challenge as a learning experience.
Tina believes that each individual is unique, and we are all charming in our own way. She shares her view on style: “Taste can be nurtured, the most important thing is to keep your mind open. I like to observe, travel, read, or just go online – take in everything, enrich your style vocabulary.” Tina constantly reminds herself how big the world is, that there are different cultures and standards of beauty, as she from the unique cultural and historical context of Hong Kong where East meets West, and flourishes in creating a whole new style that is uniquely hers.
As for her view on self-care, Tina is a firm believer of work-life balance and self-love: “I believe in constant exploration and learning, living life to the fullest. I believe in cherishing every day, keeping your body and mind healthy, exercise, rest, and have a good laugh.”