鍾詩韻(包)是名前線社工及認可性治療師,為網上性教育平台Miss WoW的創辦人。包曾於性工作團體、婦女團體及主流社福機構工作,並與青少年工作超過10年,近年主力發展青少年性教育。作為性治療師,她相信當下社會需要治療的方面是社會對性/別議題的禁忌與偏見,希望透過性/別教育及性治療,提倡一個對性更正面和包容的社會。
Sze Wan Chung, aka Bau, is a registered social worker and certified sex therapist. She is the founder of online sexuality education platform “Miss WoW”. With more than 10 years of experience in youth service, Bau has worked with sex workers’ concern groups, women organization, as well as mainstream non-governmental organizations. She currently focuses on youth sexuality education. As a sex therapist, she believes her mission is to “cure” the culture that stigmatizes sexuality and gender. She strives to advocate for a sex-positive, inclusive and diverse society through her sexuality education and sex therapy work.