Winnie ,註冊社工及註冊表達藝術治療師,社會科學(青少年輔導學)碩士,10多年註冊社工經驗,從事表達藝術治療工作約7年。2014年修畢香港大學三年制人本表達藝術治療,曾於大學書院任職學生輔導,現於機構任職半職表達藝術治療師,協助各機構及院校帶領表達藝術治療小組、工作坊、講座、退修活動及老師培訓等。
Winnie近年正修讀體感治療及其他創傷治療課程,特別關注曾經歷創傷及情緒或精神受困擾人士,希望透過切身的表達藝術治療及心理輔導,讓有需要人士認識及改善情緒、自我照顧等。曾為香港表達藝術治療協會主席/ 副主席和國際表達藝術治療協會地區籌委(亞洲)共同主席。
Winnie Fung is a registered expressive arts therapist, registered social worker and Personality Dimension® Trainer. Winnie leverages off her over 10 years of diverse experiences in development with personal counseling and psychotherapy. She is experienced in using expressive arts therapy with a person-centered approach, mindfulness and counseling skills to work with emotional wellness, personal development, body-mind relaxation and managing the traumatic stress and experiences. Besides, Winnie conducts and facilitates Personality Dimension® workshops in different organizations and universities for the self-understanding, team building, and leadership training.
Winnie is an enthusiastic trainer and experienced counselor, she believes the self-exploratory process can help everyone to find their own strengths. She is especially passionate about women’s work, in which her sensitive minds and soft skills provide a sacred and safe space for women to embody their inner strengths and feminine personalities. The target group she served: being marginalized girl, young mother, substance abuse women, cancer patient, people suffered from emotional disturbance, etc.
Winnie is currently the half-time expressive arts therapist in Project L (Caritas), which is mainly providing service to nightclub women. She is also the former vice-chair of the Expressive Arts Therapy Association in Hong Kong.