八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號:正在進行的活動即告取消; 若活動開始前兩小時內將會懸掛信號或信號已經生效,未舉行的活動即告取消。
Black Rainstorm Warning Signal: Programmes in progress will continue.
Typhoon Signal No.8 or above: Programmes in progress will be cancelled immediately.Programmes not yet held will be cancelled if the signal is in force within 2 hours before the programmes commence.
You can print out the ticket or show us your e-ticket on your phone.
你可以到我們的 Facebook 專頁發信息給我們,或電郵 hello@womensfestival.hk。
You can visit our Facebook page to leave us your messages or email us at hello@womensfestival.hk